Scandi Group actively encourages and supports activities around Corporate Social Responsibility. We believe that even the smallest changes should be implemented and that together we can help solve some of the huge social challenges the world is currently facing.


We aim to control the economic, social and the environmental impact of our operations to maximise the benefits and minimise the downsides. Diplom: PDF


CSR is a concept that our organisation embodies. We are passionate about helping solve the issues our climate faces.


We integrate CSR into our business strategy and our quality systems, this also relies on KAIZEN principles.


• we consider the economy, environment and people in our ongoing risk analysis

• we set high standards for ourselves, our customers, partners and suppliers

• we follow international standards and a principle-based approach to CSR

• we work in conjunction with our clients on CSR.


We believe that CSR is a means to enable socially responsible standards across the globe. This will span across national borders, employee relations, the environment, the climate, subcontractors and responsible investments.


Thats why we at Scandi Group have chosen to use some of our resources to reduce environmental impact as this can help solve some of the major societal challenges.


We at Scandi Group have chosen that in the future we transport with updated vehicles that can use HVO 100 and consequently reduce CO2 emissions up to 90% compared to regular diesel vehicles.


What is “HVO 100”?

HVO is short for “Hydrated Vegetable Oil” and is a synthetic fossil-free diesel that does not release new carbon dioxide into the atmosphere during transport. HVO 100 produces 100% recyclable raw materials such as animal fat from e.g. slaughterhouse waste. In addition to being produced from recyclable raw materials, HVO 100 also has a cleaner combustion due to a higher content of hydrogen.



Are you interested in an offer on HVO 100 transport solutions? Please contact us.


Our firm strongly supports the belief that we should all focus on corporate social responsibility at all times and further more we have implemented our CSR policy into animal welfare and as transporter our most important obligation is to provide the animals with most freedom from discomfort – by providing an appropriate environment including shelter and a comfortable resting area.


Scandi Livestock A/S commits to managing our business processes to produce an overall positive impact on society.


Quality norms

ScandiGroup is using internal quality norms based on the principles of Kaizen supported by the use of Balanced Scorecard! By using this kind of quality norm, we get Total Quality Management which totally fit our organisation.


QS Certificate

Our Certification Mark

The QS certification mark represents the “QS. Quality Scheme for Food.” The stages of the circle as shown in the QS certification mark represent the cross-stage process assurance and traceability - from farm to shop. Products that bear this mark are thus 100 percent QS. This means that all participants in the food chain are QS scheme participants. Only then a product, be it a piece of meat, an apple or a potato, can bear the QS certification mark.

Our certification mark represents products that signalize inspected quality to the consumers. QS Certificate PDF


In 2013 we got certificed member by UN Global Compact which to us is a recognition to our focus on CSR over the last years.